Monday, June 20, 2011

Three positives in one day......

So I missed Saturday, Sunday and here is Monday's as well........

These just make me smile - I post them for no other reason!

2.   I went to Crafternoon Tea with my 'crafty' friend Rachel on Saturday.  We went not so much to buy, but because we'd been promising ourselves we would go for ages AND because we wanted to have a look what people were selling, how much for and what there was missing in the marketplace.  I'm hoping we'll get our act together and have a stall at a new local market sometime soon.  It was a lovely morning.  I love sharing those things with Rachel cos we both know we could do somethings better ourselves and know what really IS a good product etc.  PLUS we brought the most amazing macaroons which I took home to scoff and died in amazement at how yummy and light they were!  I LOVE craft fairs.  I could go all the time - spend oodles of money and eat my way through cheese and home baking till the cows come home!


This picture is called 'Agony', I forget who it is by.  It is Jesus in the garden before his betrayal.  I like it because it reminds me that he knew what it was to be lonely too.  He knew what it was like to be let down by your best friends who were meant to love you no matter what and who had even said they'd be there for you whenever you called - and yet let him down when he was at his lowest.

I like the way that even he leans into the angel.  And the angel is there as a comforter - I suppose because the Holy Spirit hadn't been sent yet.....but that is to theological for my Positivity posting.

I just love the realness, the humanity and the 'human' Jesus.

I want so to remember HE knows depression cos he's been here too.  And he's suffering it with me too I guess.

Thank you for knowing Lord, thank you for choosing to know and thank you for wrapping your arms around me, especially when I don't or can't remember.

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